
7 czerwca, 2023 | Czas czytania: < 1 min
AI Executive Workshops:

There’s no denying that AI is the most consequential new technology to emerge in decades....

6 lutego, 2023 | Czas czytania: 5 mins
Generowanie sztormu: ChatGPT, AI i przyszłość uczenia się

Rok 2022 zakończył się w blasku rozgłosu i kontrowersji, gdy OpenAI zaoferowało publiczności spojrzenie na...

Totara 17 Edukacja
26 stycznia, 2023 | Czas czytania: 2 mins
Make the move to Totara 17

Totara Talent Experience Platform (TXP) has matured to become one of the leading learning and...

4 maja, 2021 | Czas czytania: < 1 min
What’s New in Totara 14

Totara is excited to announce Totara 14, the latest release of the Totara Talent Experience Platform.

23 kwietnia, 2021 | Czas czytania: 3 mins
Moodle Workplace: Certifications

Moodle Workplace enables you to empower and train your people with an engaging learning experience. Certifications, also known as Compliance Training - Create recurring certifications based on programs with a defined validity period that need to be retaken and keep your employee certifications up to date.

14 kwietnia, 2021 | Czas czytania: 4 mins
Moodle Workplace: Report Builder

Save time by generating reports easily in a drag and drop interface with an instant preview, filtering and aggregation of data from various sources, including Workplace.

7 kwietnia, 2021 | Czas czytania: 2 mins
Four Steps to Freedom with Totara Learn 13

Organisations must respond to changing workplace dynamics, new skills and work practices if they are to remain relevant in the future. However, they are struggling to make this transition as they lack access to high-quality, supported open technology platforms. Totara is uniquely positioned to provide businesses with a robust, sustainable technology strategy to navigate this transition successfully.

6 kwietnia, 2021 | Czas czytania: 2 mins
Moodle Resources

What is a Resource? A resource is an item that a teacher can use to...

1 kwietnia, 2021 | Czas czytania: 2 mins
The Moodle App!

From accessing offline learning materials, submitting quizzes and assignments, connecting with students or educators, obtaining grades to receiving push notifications, Moodle App provides users intuitive and fast functionality of Moodle’s world-famous open-source LMS

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